Poya Days
Sri Lankan Poya days are monthly Buddhist holidays that commemorate events in the life of Lord Buddha. There are 12 Poya days in a year, with each one dedicated to a specific event. These days are significant in Sri Lankan culture and are observed with religious activities and ceremonies.
Poya Days
Poya is the name given to the Lunar monthly Buddhist holiday of Uposatha in Sri Lanka, where it is a civil and bank holiday. Full moon day is normally considered as the poya day in every month. A Poya occurs every full moon. Uposatha is important to Buddhists all around the world, who have adopted the lunar calendar for their religious observances. Owing to the moon's fullness of size as well as its effulgence, the full moon day is treated as the most auspicious of the four lunar phases occurring once every lunar month (29.5 days) and thus marked by a holiday.