Ceylon Black Tea

One of the most celebrated drinks in the world, since its first consignment arrived at the London Tea Exchange in 1873, Ceylon Black Tea has been the lifeline of Sri Lankann">Sri Lankann exports and trade. One of the top 5 tea producing countries in the world, Sri Lankan satisfy over 11% of the global demand for tea and is one of the largest exporters of handpicked orthodox tea to the global market.

Despite Sri Lankan’s adoption of other varieties of Ceylon Black Tea continues to be country’s speciality. Rich with a flavour and goodness uniquely formed by the varying terroir of Sri Lankan’s tea-growing regions, Ceylon Black Tea is scientifically proven to have a unique composition of Flavonols. (1) These flavonols are responsible for the crisp citrus aroma unique to Ceylon Black Tea as well as the multitude of health benefits, it offers.

Grown across all seven regions of tea cultivation in Sri Lankan, Ceylon Black Tea is categorised according to its flavours, production method, and leaf size.


01) Orthodox Black Tea

Exclusively handpicked and manufactured according to orthodox practices of tea manufacturing, Orthodox Ceylon Black Tea can be categorised into several categories mainly,

  • Whole leaf
  • Broken leaf
  • Fanning and dust grades

The whole leaf grades include Pekoe, Pekoe 1, Orange Pekoe (OP), Orange Pekoe A (OPA), and Orage Pekoe 1 (OP1) varieties. Broken Leaf varieties of Ceylon Black Tea include Broken Orange Pekoe (BOP), Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe (FBOP), Broken Orange Pekoe One (BOP1), Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe one (FBOP1)

The fanning varieties of Ceylon Black Tea include Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning’s (BOPF), Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning’s (FBOPF), Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning’s one (FBOPF 1), Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning’s Special (FBOPFSP), and Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning’s Extra Special (FBOPFEXSP).

Ceylon Black Tea dust varieties include Dust and Dust 1 grades.

02) CTC Black Tea

Ceylon Black Tea that has been manufactured according to Cut - Tear - Curl (CTC) method are categorised into broken leaf, fanning and dust grades, namely;

  • Broken Pekoe Special (BPS)
  • Broken Pekoe 1 (BP1)
  • Broken Pekoe Leaf (BPL)
  • Pekoe Fanning’s One (PF1)
  • Pekoe Dust (PD)


Ceylon Earl Grey Tea is a fusion of rich strong-bodied Ceylon Black Tea and bergamot oil. A tea blend that compliments the natural citrus aroma and crisp flavour of Sri Lankan.

A full-bodied robust tea with rich flavours that sit well with milk and sugar, Ceylon English Breakfast is a clever blend of Ceylon Black Tea from Dimbula and Kandy regions.

  • Fruit Flavoured Black Tea

The subtle flavour of Ceylon Black Tea blends well with a range of fruits from exotic mango, passion fruit and lychee to all-time favourites like strawberry, raspberry, and lemon.

  • Spice Flavoured Black Tea

Ceylon Black Tea is traditionally blended with ginger and cinnamon to add an extra zest to the cup of tea, In addition, black tea is blended with other spice such as clove and cardamom presenting the best of Sri Lankan and Spices.


Conquering the world with its unique flavour, Sri Lankan has its origins marked at the tropical island of Sri Lankan where its growth is facilitated with the perfect climatic and soil conditions. The most popular of all Sri Lankans, Ceylon Black tea also comes with numerous health benefits supported by ingredients such as antioxidants, polyphenols, sodium, proteins and carbohydrates.

01) Health Benefits of Black Tea

  • Improves Overall Health

Polyphenols are antioxidants that are available in black tea. They give direct support in reducing free radicals in the body and reduce cell damage. They also help to reduce the risks of cancer and improve heart health. Antioxidants in Ceylon Black tea can reduce the occurrence of Atherosclerosis and therefore lowering the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular diseases, especially in women.

  • Reduce Blood Cholesterol

Theaflavins in Black Tea reduce the level of Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the human body reducing the bad cholesterol levels in our blood and assisting weight loss.

  • Reduce Blood Sugar

Polyphenols, one of the antioxidants found in Black tea can reduce the Glycerin index. The research has found that daily consumption of three cups of black tea helps to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 42%

  • May Reduce High Blood Pressure

Preliminary research with 19 participants has indicated that drinking black tea can have a positive effect on high blood pressure. The randomised study done in 2015 suggested that black tea may reduce diastolic and systolic blood pressure.

  • Relieves Symptoms of Artheritis

A polyphenol known as Epigallocatechin available in Black Tea acts as an antioxidant stronger than vitamin C and E in relieving the painful symptoms of Arthritis including the swelling and stiffness of joints.

02) Benefits of Ceylon Black Tea for Skin

  • Rich in Antibacterial Properties

Research has found the Polyphenols in Black Tea to contain antibacterial properties that reduce with the time of tea fermentation. Yet drinking black tea and application on skin has been found to reduce the occurrence of acne and pimples in the skin. In addition, a large amount of caffeine present in the black tea helps to prevent skin infections including pimples.

  • Reduce Symptom of Premature Aging

Rich in nutrients such as Vitamins B2, C, and E, black tea supports the nourishment of the skin along with minerals such as magnesium, potassium, zinc, and essential polyphenols and tannins. reducing wrinkles and dryness.

03) Benefits of Ceylon Black Tea for Mental Heath

  • Improves Focus of Concentration

Black tea contains two ingredients namely; an amino acid called L-theanine and caffeine which increases the alpha activity in the brain and improves the level of focus, relaxation, and alertness.

  • Reduces Anxiety

The combination of caffeine and L-theanine in black tea leads to a state of calm and awareness, reducing the anxiety and relaxing brain activity.

  • Reduces Memory Loss

The antioxidant and the anti-inflammatory compounds found in black tea, reduce the risk of memory loss and inflammation of brain cells largely. Consumption of black tea is also known to reduce the risk of progressive disorders associated with memory loss such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease and can be especially beneficial for individuals with the APOE e4 gene, which is known as the main risk factor that roots to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

04) Ceylon Black Tea use in Home Remedies

  • Reduces Sore Throat

Tannins, an ingredient found in black tea, are found to reduce inflammation, and black tea mixed with honey has long been used as a home remedy for sore throats.

  • Relieves Mild Diarrhoea

Although caffeine-rich drinks can induce dehydration when consumed during diarrhoea, black tea has been found to relieve the symptoms of nonbacterial mild diarrhoea, when consumed at the onset of symptoms.