Sethsuwa Product Reviews

Sethsuwa Product Reviews


Ven. Dr. Welamitiyawe Dharmakeerti Sri Kusaladhamm Nayaka Thera
(Chief Sangha Nayaka of Colomobo and Chilaw Districts Principle of Vidalankara Pirivena,Chancellor of University of Kalaniya)

"I can state with confidence, having had the experience of consuming for about 20 years, this wonderful oil which is made out of a traditional indigenous pharmaceutical formula, has the ability to cure almost and also prevent one from susceptible to getting sick. It is a fact that I have experienced with certainty that within about 2 minutes time from the time of consuming two tablespoonfuls of the oil, the prevailing sickness will fade away."


Prof. Budhadasa Hewavitharana
(Emeritus Professor of Economics, Univercity of Peradeniya)

"I have been continuously using this oil without a break. Even when I was abroad on my sabbatical leave I took enough stock of this oil with me to last my two year stint at Oxford University. Why I took to this oil isnot because I had any particular ailment to be cured but it was the faith in it that I developed as I experience the beneficial effects of its use on my general health condition, my physical fitness and wellness. I found improvements in the health condition which I would attribute to the protection against illness and diseases that was given to me by the use of this oil. To this day no major illness has been diagnosed in my body."


Prof. E. M. Jayasinghe
(Senior Professor of Physics, Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Natural Science)

"I have been a devoted user of Pranajeewa Oil for many years now. It has brought me relief from many illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, body aches and other. It always gives me comfort within a short time. This is a fully herbal, proven, ancient cure that has been handed down through many generations and has almost no side effect. It will bring much needed cure from prevailing ailments."


Mr. Paul M. H. Mueller
(Diploma-Bio- Energetics, Australia - Sri Lanka)

Some years ago I was told that due to 95% of blockage of my arteries that I was in need of an angioplasty and stent. Therefore I underwent this surgery and after a few months went for a check up to monitor the results of the surgery. To my surprise I was told that my arteries were blocked once again and that there was no alternative than to go through the same procedure all over again, this was not something I wanted to do.

During the time I was contemplating my options I had the privilege of getting to know Ven. Waga Ghanaloka Thero. Through him I was introduced to the supplement known as the Pranajeewa. I was using this oil for some weeks after which I had another health check up and I was told that everything was fine with my arteries and heart condition. Up to date I am consuming Pranajeewa and I am able to maintain a very stable health condition.

I can recommend Pranajeewa as a wonderful remedy for not only heart problems but many other health issues like diabetes and so on, as this a natural remedy with no side effects and has already proved the positive results it has on the consumer.

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